Will Build One LuvPak
You can make the difference in a child’s life.
you can donate your bottles!
If you take your bottles to ANY Bottle Depot in Grande Prairie and list our Not For Profit Bottle Depot Number #2085 All your bottle drop off proceeds will go straight to My LuvPak Ltd!
“Every dollar donated goes towards building backpacks for kids coming into foster + kinship care, at risk situations, and overwhelming poverty. The LuvPaks aim to bring them emotionally, physically, and psychological comfort in a time of great need.
Thank YOU for helping bring comfort to these kids!”
If you are donating via cheque, please make it payable to: My LuvPak
and please mail to the following address:
My LuvPak
PO Box 23055 Grande Praire, Alberta
T8V 6X2
If you have any further questions, please email info@myluvpak.org
Thank you!